Colors that go with Teal

A Brief Overview of the Color Teal

Teal, an enchanting fusion of blue and green, possesses an elusive nature, teasing the senses with its dynamic character.

Teal Color

From the canvases of master painters to the fashion runways of haute couture, the color finds its way into various realms of creativity.

Teal in Art and Design

It is a color of balance, a harmonious union of calmness and energy that resonates deeply within the human spirit. 

Psychology of Teal

Teal’s complementary color is maroon, a rich, deep shade of red that provides grounding to teal’s tranquility.

Teal on the Color Wheel

Colors that Compliment Teal Well

In this captivating embrace, maroon becomes the perfect counterpart, adding warmth and depth to teal’s cool composure.


Together, teal, saddle brown, and Tyrian purple form a captivating symphony that enchants the senses and stirs the soul.

Split Complementary

Embraced by the bold and lively companions of olive and purple, teal transcends ordinary perceptions, painting a vivid canvas of harmonious brilliance.


Surrounded by its delightful companions, rainforest green and dark cerulean, teal embarks on a harmonious journey that enchants the senses and stirs the soul.


In art, this monochromatic palette brings masterpieces to life, allowing artists to express myriad of emotions through subtle shifts in shade and tone.


The Best Accent Colors for Teal

One of the most stunning accent colors that beautifully compliments teal is coral. A lively and invigorating hue, coral infuses teal with a burst of energy and enthusiasm.


If you are searching for a more subdued and sophisticated look, pairing teal with shades of gold or mustard adds an air of opulence and elegance to any space.

Gold and Mustard

These shades complement teal’s organic appeal, infusing the space with a sense of grounding and warmth.

Olive and Terracotta

For a bold and dramatic statement, accentuating teal with deep purples like eggplant or plum creates an enchanting and luxurious atmosphere.

Eggplant and Plum

Teal and silver together create a sense of elegance and refinement, ideal for spaces seeking a modern and chic aesthetic.

Gray and Silver