Enamel Paint

What Is Enamel Paint?

Enamel Paint

Most enamel paints are oil-based, giving you a solid finish that is heat-resistant and also washable, making it a perfect choice for protecting the surface you apply it to.

Enamel vs Acrylic

Enamel paints tend to turn yellow over time, but acrylic paint will never turn yellow. Acrylic paint has a matte finish and enamel is glossy.

Water-Based Enamel vs Oil-Based Enamel Paint

Type of Solvent

The solvent used in oil-based paint is mineral turpentine, and the solvent used in water-based enamel paint is water.


Oil-based enamel paint dries to a solid and hard surface, but it lacks elasticity and may crack when the surface it covers tends to expand or contract.


Oil-based enamel paints have a glossy sheen that can vary in degrees from very high gloss to a flat finish, while water-based is more matte. 


Oil-based enamel paint is very thick, so it takes time to apply. The paint also emits a strong pungent smell, which can be detrimental to your health.

Surface Conditions

Oil-based enamel paint is unable to create a solid, strong bond where there is some moisture. It requires a dry surface before application. 

Best Surfaces for Enamel Paint

Door Frames 

These surfaces in your home suffer a great deal of daily wear and tear, so it is recommended that you use a very durable enamel paint that is easy to keep clean.

Barbecue Grill

You need to first clean the surface of the grill thoroughly, removing all the debris and grime, and then you can coat the grill with some heat-resistant enamel paint.

Outdoor Furniture

Since the outdoor furniture remains outside and subject to all weather conditions, it is prone to fade and needs a touch of paint to bring it back to life.


Enamel paint is also an ideal covering for your floors as this is the area that sees more traffic than any other space in your home.

A Guide to Painting with Enamel Paint


This is an essential aspect to consider when painting with enamel paint. Make sure your surface is properly clean before applying the paint.

Priming the Surface

The primer is vital to a good job being done as it will prevent the enamel paint from chipping as the finish gets very hard.

Paint Your Surface

Painting your item is the fun part because the paint dries to a solid finish and has a shiny gloss, it is important that you do not use cheap brushes as this will leave brush marks.