Ceramic Paint
Ceramic Paint
Greenware Ceramic
Greenware is a kind of ceramic that has only been air-dried and is still quite delicate.
Ceramic Paint
Bisque Ceramic
Paint effortlessly adheres to the surface of the bisque and is readily absorbed to create a strong bond.
Ceramic Paint
Glazed Ceramic
Glazed ceramic is made by applying a colored glaze to bisque and then firing it in a kiln a second time but at a higher temperature.
Ceramic Paint
Ceramic Paint
Bake-on Markers
Ceramic paint markers are one of the most popular choices if you are looking for a versatile option when painting ceramic.
Ceramic Paint
Using Markers
Shake your ceramic paint marker before you begin to ensure that the paint is properly mixed.
Ceramic Paint
Acrylic Paint
Acrylic paints are very affordable and easy to find but are not food-safe and cannot be baked in an oven or kiln.
Ceramic Paint
Using Acrylic
Before you get started, you should think about your design and consider drawing a rough design onto the ceramic in pencil.
Ceramic Paint
Bake-on Enamel
Gloss enamel paints are very versatile and convenient for use on ceramic. There are many kinds of enamel paint available.
Ceramic Paint
Using Enamel
Make sure that your ceramic is clean. Use some warm soapy water to clean off glazed ceramic.
Ceramic Paint
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Ceramic Paint