
Paint Pouring

What do you need?

The main components for acrylic pour painting are, besides the acrylic paint and a Pouring Medium, of course, is a painting ground.

Step 1

Prepare your workplace first. Protect the work surface and floor with a plastic sheet or tarpaulin.

Step 2

Afterward, have all your equipment ready so that you always have everything at hand. Put on gloves so that you don’t have your fingers full of paint.

Step 3

Use a spirit level to check that your work surface is level.

Step 4

Use a cup or container of your choice, put some acrylic paint in it, and then, depending on the pouring medium used, pour in the same amount or twice as much of the pouring medium.

Step 5

If you want to have cells in your paintings, you can now add 1-2 drops of silicone oil and roughly mix it in.

Step 6

Leave these mixtures to stand for a while so that any bubbles can rise to the surface.

Step 7

Take your cups with the pouring mixture and pour them alternately into a new, larger cup. The aim is that all colors form layers on top of each other.

Step 8

Lift the cup very carefully so that the paint runs out. Take your big cup and put it in the middle of the canvas without any paint spilling out. Move the cup back and forth in a very small circle until all the paint has run out of the cup.

Step 9

Now you can take the canvas in your hand and spread the paint on the canvas by tilting. Now is also the right time to blow over the canvas with a butane torch to let the cells pop up.

Step 10

Don’t forget the sides of your canvas, these should also be covered with paint. Make sure that the canvas lies level and let the painting dry for a few days – if possible in a room that is not too hot and dry to avoid cracks.