Célio Antonio Romani is an autodidactic Brazilian artist, inspired by nature, driven by the universe and surrounded by atmospheric feelings. Célio lives with his wife and son in Curitiba, Paraná State. Célio has always been very interested in learning new things and changing things. Although he has worked for the same company for a long time, he always wanted to try something new and do what he liked. So he began to paint and create art with different techniques. With art he found a way to express himself more freely and to convey a part of his personality and soul to the viewer. In addition to his artistic resin wood furniture, Célio also creates beautiful resin pictures and is a gifted photographer. With years of experience in international companies, Célio has the ability to deal with pressure and changing circumstances, and not long ago he decided to create a second foothold with his art, especially wood and resin furniture. Learn more about Celio Antonio Romani.